Friday, February 8, 2013

An Intro to Harold Fry

Check out this marvelous teaser for The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, which was released as a promotion for its American debut. Do you have a copy yet? It is available for purchase from The Bookshop @ St. Stephen's, and may also be borrowed from the parish library.

If you've read the book, we're curious-- does this video capture the essence of the novel for you? If you haven't read the book, is your interest piqued?


Gary said...

I like it. But for me, the video only scratches the surface. Still, the video highlights one of the big themes of the book. Harold believes that as long as he walks, Queenie will live. It's such a beautiful, simple, and sincere faith. (Some people might think it's more like the Bud Light commercial that shows football fans going through all sorts of superstitious routines to get their team to win, and the commercial concludes, "It's only weird if it doesn't work.") But I often wonder, how much does our faith influence the reality around us? How much does our faith affect the lives of others? Jesus said something about faith being able to uproot trees or move mountains. I'm not especially interested in moving trees or mountains, but I'm deeply drawn to the idea that my faith, hope and love might really make a difference in other people's lives.

Alice said...

I thought the video was superficial and did not begin to capture the essence of the book. For me, the book was about Harold's journey, Maureen's own journey while she stayed home, and even Queenie's journey after hearing from Harold. His faith that Queenie would survive was a catalyst for his pilgrimage but the journeys and the transformation in all their lives are what this book was about for me.

Gary Jones said...

The video is cute but not especially meaningful, is it? It seems rare for the true essence of a book or movie to come across in any of the publicity. Thanks for your comments and please check in again!